folloves Goafilly. derftand aright the free and powerful! graceof fefus Chri(t, that he vowed & relolved an hundred times again(}fore particular fin, & never could get power over it at lait he law the reafun to be, the trulting to his.own refolutions. A fift caufe is t":e meeting withmore difficulties inGods ways then we made account of: when Chriftians think on- ly ofthegoodand fwcet that . they Mall meet with in Gods wages; but theycafe not intheir thoughts, what the trou- bles are like tobe th it they !hall find in them; like Iofeph, whodreamed of his preferment and honour that he fhould have above his brethren, but dreamt not of his felling into Egypt , nor of his imprifonment there: Chriífians fhou'dat the first entrance into Gods wayes, expert the urmoft difficulties; they fhould enter upon thole termes, to incounter with grear troubles, ifthey meanto followGod fully in them. It is a shame for any Chriítian toaccount any trouble that hee meets withal! in Gods wayes , tobeas a ítrange thing unto him. Becaufe theLord had taken S. Paula a chofenveffell untohimfel Aa3 and 357