follower Geafully. r. In relation toour felveç, to fee how there is all good in him forus to enjoy fully,though we have nothing but him alone; what ever wewould have in any creature, inanyway fo far as is good for us, it is to be had in him ; when the foul is throughly'convincedof this, it comes offfweetly,and flows fully after the Lord. 2. Confider God in relation to all o- ther goods thus, that nothing &fe ba-h any truegoodnc s in it, but in reference and fubordination tohire. The third thing that will take off the heart fully,is-the (tareof God, and the . feareofeterniry powerfully falling up- on the foule, anddeeply taking impref_ it: For the fear ofGod, take th ;t place, 2 Cer. 2.1. Perfeti your holinefe in tkefeare ofGod. The feare of God is agreat meanes tobri rig your holineflè toperfetion; and for the fecond, that place in Phil. 2.t 2. work voyeurjalvati_ onwithfeare and trembling. The fear of theeternal' falvationof the foule,of the infiniteconfequenceofir, will caufc us to labour to work it out. Aa 4 CAP 359 i r