followe.5 God fill/y. Gt yee Jhald keepmy judgements, 4nddoethem. This new fpirit wil cau.fea man to '1.1'31k in GodsStatutes ; a man of fuch rprrt fhall certainlykeep his judgements,and doe them even to the end. It is not ftrength orparts. that will carry .a man thorow,nor ftrength ofArgument,nor ftrengthof'convi lion, nor tttength of naturallconfcience, nor ftrength of re- foluti n,.nor ftrengthof 6mongraces is onely this choyce excedent fpirit, thatotherfpiti`, of which we have (poke lomuch before, In this point I (hall follow thefe three things. r We tEall {hewwhat there is in this fpirit that doth carry on a man fully. z Why only this candoe it. 3 Apply it. For the fir ft,it is the choycenetre ofa mans fpirit that caufetha man togoful ly after God : For, r By this a man comes to have a more full prefence of God with him, thenany other man can have ; fuch a man is nearer unto Cod then others, he hath more of the nature of God then others; is more capable of theprefence of