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362 A gracious rpirit, ofGodthenothers ; and God delights to let out hirnfllfemore to hint then co others. Thefe are filedwith all the f slue, f DfGed, according to that expreffion of the Apoftle, Eph.3. r9. Now this ful_ neffe of God in their fpinits, mu(l needs carry them on , becaufe it fa fatisfies them, as they tèele no need of' other things. Empty fpiritsare al wayes filck- ingand drawing of comfort from the creatures that areabout them, Sr hence it is that their hear:s arc taken off from God fo much. Again, a fpirit that is filled withGod,is not fofenfble ofany evilsthat are without, fo as empty fpi. -ritsare;as it is in the body when °t is fit, led with good nourithment, with good blood and fpirits, it is nor fenfible of cold, and alteration of weather as the body that is empty , and filled onely with winde. Secondly, the choyccneffcofa mans fp rit raifeth it to converfe wi' h high things , and focarries it above the rubs, ----yl----- --, the f nares and hinderances that are be .low ;and beingabove thefe, it goeson, freely and fully in itscourfe, and is not in that danger of rnifcarrying as other! poor