follows Godfairy. 363 poor fpirits are, wno convene fo much with the f hìngs upon the earth: as Bird, that flye high are not catched by the Powier,they arc not takenbyhi me_ twigs,byhis net or pitfall, fo as othf rs are , who are much below upon the ground. Prey. 2 5.24. The way offlfeiù above to the cvìre tkat he may dipart from hill lenath;It is the keeping in his wa's above, that delivers him fromWe dan- gersand film-es that are laid for him be. low. Thundersand lightnings, tempefls and ftormes, make no alteration in the higheíf Region ; fo the threatsand op pof tt ions againft the way s of gcádi- ne fè,and all the troubles that thuiicrorld caufeth,tr ke no alterations in heaven- ly hearts that keep above. When the tree growes low, it is fubjeC`f robe bit- ten by the beaus, but when it is grown uponhigh; it is out of danger.The low. er the heart is,the nearer the earth, the meredanger; but when it is got up on high, thedanger is pat} ; and now what íhouldhinder it fi ô thefull growing up to the full =fur:of it in Chrift Thirdly, thechoycereffc ofa mans fpirit changeth his end, and{ocarrieth him