1 gracious [pmt, him onfully afterthe Lord ; for when theend is changed,all Lhanged;wben there are but particularchanges it is a, certain argument that the higheff end is not changed ; but when that is changed, theremuff of neceffity be an univerfal changeupon thefe 2 grounds.' i BecaufetheTaff end is alwayes lo- ved for it felt; and therefore intinitly loved. 2 It is the rule of all other things that are under it ; the goodofall things under it is meafured by it, and is îabor- dinate to it. Fourthly, this choycenefle of fpirit caufeth a futableneffe, a fympathy be- tween the frameof the heart, and the wayesof holincffe : Now fy mpathies fiat are alwayes between the generail naturesofthings, and not individuals, not particulars;as thus,where there is a fympathy between one creature and a- nother, it is always between the whole kinde ofthofe creatures ; wherefoever fuch natures arefound, there wil be this a reement.We mayf:e is more clearly in that INhich is contrary ; the contra- riecy ofnature whic j wecall Antipathy, It