followsGodful,. It is not between any particulars fo much,as between thewhole natures of things ; asbetween the Wolfe and the Sheep,there isfuch acantrariety.Now the natureofthe. Wolfe is not contrary fo much to any particular Sheep, but . to thewholenature of Sheep,wherefo- ever the nature of it is found, and there- fore to all Sheep. Thus it is in the foul, where there is fucha kindofoppofìtion ofir againft fin, itis not a9ainft any par- ticular finfo much,as againft the whole. nature of fin,wherefoever it is;fowhere there is fuch an agreement whichwe calla fympathy, it is not fo much with any partiçular wayof holinet%,or par- ticular A` , but with the whole nature ofholines . herefoever it is found, and therefore filcha foul muft needs follow God fully.. Again, fympathiesdoe al- wayes work without labour andpain, and therefore where there is fuch an a- greement between the frame of the heart, and the drayesofGod, theheart muff needs work fully,becaufe it works delightfully and yet further, this a- grecableneffe of fympathy is deeply rooted in the very principles of the crea" 365