A gracious[pint, creature,it is founded in the very being of it and therefore it mutt needs work ifronglyand conflantly. Vain reafo- twigs, carnall obj ¿ions, fubrill argu. tnents , ftrong oppofitions can never prevail again that foule, where there is this deep ror%ted agreeahlen.:fíe be tw1en the tatre of it, and the wayesof holintfíe. But that you m y fee fur ther What a w:inderfùl agreeableneffegrace makes between the fpirits of the godly, and the law of God, which is the Rule . ofchofe waves wherein God would have the foule to follow him in: ob- ferve the feverall expreffions by which the Scripture fats it our. Firft, it is written in the Tables of theirhearts. Secondly, it is their meditation ay andnight,Pfad. i. Thirdly, it is the joy of their foules, 1Mä1.1 IT 9.14. ver. and 47 ver, Fourthly, they love itabove gold,a- boye fine gold. Fifthly, their hearts break for the longing it bath after it. Sixthly,they lift up theirhands to it, Pjal. 119, 48. Se-