followsGod fay. 367 Seventhly, their mouths talke of it, Pfat.I 19 13. ver. &46. ver. Eighthly,their feet run in i}, PP:. x r9. 32 Ninthly, their foule keeps it , Pfal, I19.167. Tenthly, theywi'l never forget it, Pfalm 1 19.16. Eleventhly,they give up their mem- bers asinflruments of the righteoufnes of it,Rom.6.13. And laftly, to nameno more (though there bee many more expreons in Scripture, to fit this out ) they apply their hearts to it, to fulfill it alwayes c- ven to theend, Pfa. z 19. 103. Fifthly , this .choyceneffe of-Spirit caufeth a man ro look co his duty, and not to regard what may follow. The thing that hinders moil in their follow- ing the Lord, it is want ofthis it is not want ofconviction what íhould bee done, but the reafonings oftheir heart about thehard and troublefotne confc- quences that will follow, ifthe things bedone: but a true gracious heart faith only,Letme knowwhat is my dloy, let the right`edone, thozrghheaven andearthmeet together. Sixth- Ftatruflrtra etfi mundus ruat. mr.,......-