14 gracicus/pirit, 4111111.111111 Sixthly, the choyceneffe of a man, fpirit caufeth a man,that if he loth look at anyco y fequences, that may follow uponthis ava y,he looks only at the laft iffue ofall,what his way will prove in his laft conclurion, how things will go with him whenhecomes to the laft tri- all,what will be the ultimate end of all : `will it then be pe ce r fha 1 I then bee gladofthefe wages 1 nowwalk in Seventhly,the choycenefe ofamans fpirit ftrengthens it againft the irnpref.. fions that fcnfitive opjeEts ufti to leave upon foft and weak fpirits. Molt men .. have their fpirirs formed and f. (hioued according to fenftiveobjtds; it is not what they apprehend in aEbftraL` no- tions, that works upon them, let them bewhat they will 3 yer,v0hen they have todeal with fenfitive things, theTweet- neffe, defreablenefl`e, glory of them, works the moft powerfully;their hearts arealteredaccording to the imprefsion i hat they leave upon them, and this is great weakneffe, and an effeminate fo.tneffeoffpirit:Hence theword tranf- lated Effeminate, I Cor. 6.9. fignilies' loft-fpirited menThisdiftemper in the fpirit