Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

followsGoa filly. fpirir,is like that in thegefh, when it is corrupted with thedropfc ;the flelhis fofr,an'i ifyou put Our finger to it;he irnprcfí`ion ofyour anger flicks in it, & pits the 11::íh; fo the impreflioti offenfi- tive obje6ts,fi icks in diffempered,weak, tofr,ipirits as it was in theother Spies, who were feñt with Caleb and ofhah; the terrible things they law in the land, fuck mightily in their hearts, they brought with them the itaprefiion of thanfattned in their fpirits:henceNum. 13. ;3. according to the tranflation of theGreek Tratjflators, it is, They brought thefeareofthe lard with them. But this choicccefle of fpiric that was in Caleb, & is in thofe whowere trulypdly,kee- 'peth from thi r and there muff be this fi inneffe in the fpirit ofaman, or elfe it will never carry himafter thti Lord ful. l y,2 Sax+s. 22.76, With the .upright thoti wilt thew telly fe`fupright; theword r rard-, lacedupright, t guifiesflron and perfea:. There is required ffrength , and that more then ordinary too,tocarty on Lae foule to perfc lion Thus yc i i fee what there is in- this Choice fpiu it, that carries it on full? af:- Bb ter