370 Agrqeious fpirit, ter the Lord : Now there muff of need I fitybe rids, or elk this full following of the Lord will never be, nothing lie will doe it. And that; 1. Becasfe thewayes ofGod are faperna- tural,and therefore there muff k,e föme- 1 thing in the fpititof a man which is f'- pernaturall,fhat muft Leach to them : this which is [upernaturull in the fpi,'its of godly men, nib fee it in the effcas, &we know it is above reafon,andall natu. all principles whatfoever. But what it is'is very lard toexp effe;and thertore men of parts in the wortd,are mad to think, thatanyfh :uld imagine,thatthok who are of weAer parts then themfèlves, fhouldhave any thing in them, tocarry them on in ctht. r wayes then they walk in 3 which they doe not underftand, be- caufe they do not knowwhat that fame thing is which is called /armature; they will rather think it a conceit and fancy, then any reall excellency : be- caufe they can apprehend other things better thee others, they think, why fhould they not apprehend this better then others, if there wereany reali ex- cellency in it. 2 rki