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followes Goa fr'ilt'y, 37I 2 Theways©fGodarenot onely gbové nature,rnt contrary to nature, and therfore there (nuft benbeds,fonnefpecial choice- noffeoffpirit,to carry a msin on in themn3 there mutt be acontraryf}reain to over- power the ffream of Nature , and this' flream mutt be fedbyfo Ile living foun- tain, orelfe there will never be a hol- ding out. In followingafter the Lord, all natural! abilitics,and commongrace will doenomorebut ftop the iireamof corrupt nature; th, y canot fo over- power it, as tocarry the foule another way ; but the work of grace in this choiceneffe of fpirit will doe it. 3 ThefIream f times, and examples of men,areexceeding flrong, and it isnot a littlemater that wilt carryon the foule againft them. Thedeed fifh is carried doAin the ftrcam , though the winde ferves toblow it up: all natural! abili- tiesofthe foul will no more helpa man againit the (ream ofexamples , then the rode can carry the dead fi h up the ,ilrearn ; but if there were life put into the fish, it were able then to move a- gainít the wind anddream too; 4 There are f many fire:ig allrrrin I 8b temp- f