.4graeions Cpir.>t, ! temptations,wherein the vw iles,fubtifties, depthsof Satan, ire vcry.pöwerfull to draw the heart away from God, that except elere be f:me fpeciall work of Godsgrace togive INifdome todiscern thedeceits of fin,torr.ae the foule fpi. ritually fubtill, to find out the cunning devices of Saan, and to difcárne the danger<,fthrm, the foulemodcertain- lycould never ho'don in the way of its followingafter the Lo rd. 5 Therearefo many trorcWes,oppoJiions tha it meets withall in this way, that mofl certainly wculddrive itout, were it not for fore choyce work of Gods grace in it;but thischoiceneffeof fpirit will carry a man through all them :It is Gods promife, Efe. 59. [9. 7lat when theenemyfhd come in like a flood,thefpirit ofthe Lordfhalllift repa jîandard agai?3fi him. iremadeufe of this Scripture be- fore,for oppofition of ftrongcorrupti- ons 3 but it is truehere now, forthe re- fittingofftrong fpirituall enemies, of ftrong oppofitions; when they come in lke a floodagainft the foule, tocarry it ourof Godswayes, theSpirit ofGod i ï it doth liftup aflandardagainf them, and