fo .f-'oWVet Goafidly. and were it not for this, it could Lot hold : It is this good and found coiaíti- tufionofthe foule, that makes it indure thofeoppofirions hat it meets withal. An aguifh beat maybe greater then that which arileth from a good coatfti:uti- on,but it is not able to refit} cold fu there may be a natural( vitience in a mans fpirit fora ,whi'e,;n theprofefiion of religion,wh chmay feem tobe zeal, but not atiling from the gkod.conititu- bion ofthe foul, when troubles come, it vanifhes,giving no firengthat all. 6 There are / rrlaxy Scand x lc and Re- prodches that rife againft theways ofCod, fo many afperfions that are cafe upon thern,that ifamanbath not more then an ordinary fpirir, he moli certainly will be offended : B!efJedare they that are not offendedix rye, faith Chrift. It is a great hlef ing when there fallsout fcan- dals,and whenwefee grievous afperfi- ons cart uponGods 'ways, yet not tobe offended ; there needs be forne more then ordinary light to difcover to a man,thecertaintyof that gGod there is in the wages of god; he had needbe fure of his princiOles , and know in whomhe bath bele ved. 373 f