Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

374 A gracilisfpira, 7 Yea , Codmany times hides him7lfc frorpi hisfer'vants while they are following after him and this oftentimes proves the foreft temptationof all, and a grea_ ter difcouragement then all the reft : for as f-ir oppofittans, Scandals, Reproaches, thefe are thing-, make account of, and can often lightlypaffe them over ; but whenGod hides his face, this puts themat a ftand,now theyare in the dark andknownot what todoe. Chrift was nor much troubled at the reproaches of men,a' the oppofitions he met withall from them; for the Scripture faith, Flee d`fpifed the (hvme, andenauredthe Crofe ; bur whenhis Father hid his face from him, then hewas inanagony, then his ípirit began tobeamazeb, then his foul was forrJwfull to the death , then he falls groveing on the ground, then he fweats drop , ofwater andblood, then he criesour, My God, my God, why haft thou f órfiken me? Thefe ipirituall defer- tionç,in their degree, Gods fervants of- ten meet withall in their way, fo as if theyhad nor choice fpirits, fome fpeci- all vork of God in their foules , they wouldcertainly fall and fink in it.Now put