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.-. fellorres Goafatly. put allehefe together, and we fee; it is not every ordin ry spirit that is like to go on fully after theLord;it rnuit needs befomething extraor 'Mary that pre- fer', es a fpark in the midff of waves , that prcfe rvesa candle light in the midif of ftorms and tempefis. Neverwonder then,or be offended, to fie fo many to fall off ft.( rn God ; fewmenhavech oice fpirits; r h :' fe who aregodly , expet noother frommoll profeffors, and therefore tter re not troubled when they feu this fall out; They wemoutfr omac us, beci f they werenot us,fai;li the Apoffle.SN ckedmen are cffended, because they know not what the workofgrace means ; and hence, if they fee a man make profcffion ofReli- gion,theymakeno diffèrence,as though then wti ere as much robe r xpe led from him, as from another; as though the caufeofGod fell when he fell; no fuch matter; ifyou fee wens fpirits proud, flight, earthly,'enfuall, or carried with a greater violence then their principles will beare; I do not rnean,though their affeóionF may fometimes goe beyond their knowledge; but by principles I Bb 4 mean. 375 /./wwww...-