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follawes Godfully. 377 their powerful' motives, that da w therm on in the waye.s of God , you would not hive filch thoughts of them, 'Their fpìYirs within them cen rain them, as Elihu fayes of himfelfe in anothàr cafe, x6321, t8. Take thef convirtcements, that it is not ftubbornneffe, but choycenefre of Spirit thatcarries thLm on fo unmove- able in their way. z In other things they are as yeel& able,as tractable, as.ea(ie to be perfwa- ded as anymen; it 1:. only in the matter of the Lord their God they are thus. They can beare burthens upon their fhoulders,andcryour,and raj(' as little as any; ifyouwill cotnpell them to goe a mile, they will be content, ifthey may doe good, to goe two; yea, asfa, as the íhooes of thepreparation of the Gofpel of peace will carry them who canbear wrongs and injuries from men better then they e Subborn fpiri- ted armcannot do thus. 2 Stubbornneífe is joynedwith delire of revenge; but in there difpofitions, time is till pity and compafsion ; they pray for thofc who doe oppofe thern when AVO1....1.0110.1,