378 A gracious [pirit, when theyarc rcviled,î.hey revile nota- gain; if fomerimes their corruptions thouldb° ftirred, theyare afhamod and confounded in theirown thoughts for that they havedone, they mourne and lament in the birrterneffe oftheir fpirits for it. 3 S :ubborne difpofitions are not contraeted on a fudd.:n; it is by de- grees, & continuance of timethat alcers nature; but thisdifpo (ition of being u71- moveable in Gods wayes, comes many times evenofa fudden, as foon as ever the heart is to rned,which is an evidence ofanewprinciple put into it. q. Stubborn hearts doenot ufe toPeek God to uphold them, to ffrengthen thcm,tóbleffethem in that way ; they donot bi:ffe God for beingwith them, helpingof them to pert ft in their way, as Gods fervants do;they go to God to get ffrength to finable them to be im- tnovable;they give God the glory of it , when they have found t,emfelves inabled towithftand temptations. 5 Thofc who are of ftubborndifpofi- tions,doe not ufe to be moff ftubborn, when their heart is moil broken with af-