folloires Godfully. 379 afiliatom; rout hearts, thou h in their profperity arc unyeeld.ible , there is nodealing with t : em then; theirhearts ate pretentlyupsifyoumove themBoa., ny thing 9 hey have no miede to, their wordsarc fiout,their an{; ersare fierce; but etafliierionscomc,then,as Ifa 29.4. Their kcarts are ¡reti ht domn, and ley [peak as one out of th ' gr4ind, and their ',tech is low, al meant of the dull ; then theyare willing to heare what you fay. As the young Gallant that Sohmon fpeaksofan Prov. 5. there was no fp- :- king tohim in his profperity; but when his fle(h and body were confirmed, then he mourns at the iatf,and cries ont, How have I hatedsnflrution, a dmy heart de. fpifed reproofe ! I havenpt obeyed thevoyce ofmy Teachers,&c. But now, thole that aregodly, in their geat. ff aftiiaions, when their hearts aremot} broken,whé God humbles them mot} , even then theyare molt fetkd and unmovable in that way they w-alkcd inbefore s and it is then thegreatefi griefe of their fouls, that they walked no clofer withGod in it, then they did. Have other thoughts then of Gods people, then you have had