Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

y3* objea. A gracious Iirit, had; donot accufe that offlubbornneffc that you donot uncierfsand; thinkwi h. your{elves that there may bJ frnthiig` in their (pirits more then you kno ocr of Let th, who Lave to s exc.. Heat choice fpirit, encour?ge hemfelves in this, that Curdy it will finable them to foll,lw God fully let themknow, Firfti tha' trough they be wake if their fpirïts b t k t,iiof the right kind, they shall ee rai l-y h._)ld our. That which (Thrift faid for the comfort of the Church of Philadelphia, Rev. 3.8. theymay apply for thchrs; Thor haft a littlefirength, faith Chrift Q and hall kept my word, andhall not denied my name. Alictle ftrength,if it be right,if it be the 1 ftrengthof a found fpirit , it will carry t on the foule to keep Gods word, and inable, not to deny his Name. Secondly, therefore is Chrift filled with all funsffe ofall grace, that out of his fuknts thou may receive grace for grace; thac spirit by which hee is fo plentifully antoynted,it is for thee. But I amafraidtny Spirit is not this choyce Spirit, and therefore I thall not holdout in following the Lord.