follows God fly, Firft, is it a broken humble Spirit in knfe of thyweakneffes and wants e Secondly, thät which thou doll, though but weakly is it upon Divine grounds,and bait thou Divineends t' Thirdly, loth the,lìght of thy weak- neffe make thee cling and cleave unto kfus Chrift r Fourthly, when thou lofeil God in followinghim, art thou fenfibleof the want of hisprefence, 2nddolt thou ne- ver lean crying and reeking till thou enjoyefthim again e Certainly, this is a truichoycc fpi,rit, that will carry on fully in following theLorI,whenthou- fandsofglorioushy°pocrites á1u1 vanifh and come to nothing. Ifitbe thischoyceheirPof Spirit that is the onely tQ ing that will fully carry after thr Lord, then let us learn to look to our fpirits : Keep thy heart with alldili. geoce, or;out it wane theTots oflife: Joe not fo much complain' of temptations, oppofitiois, troubles you meet with all ; butlookto your fpirits, and all is well. IE there bee the fpirit of love, andof a found mind, there will be the fpirit ofpower i forthere ate joyr.nsd to- gether 381 rfe4