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41711111111.1 grains in after the Lord , would not move them at all. Fifthly, labour to keep thy Idle in a continuall trembling frame, abiding in the feare ofeieLordall the day long 5 the feare of the Lord caufeth men to depart from evill; meditate the feare of theLord continually. Laftly, keep thy Spirit continually working; many things have much power in them while they are in mod- on,but weak when themotionceafeth ; fin is very firongwhile it is in motion, but when afilidion (tops the motion, the truthsofGod have more powero- ver it ; fo grace, while it is ading, it is ftrong, but if it growesdull, it grovus weak, and is foon turned ,afide. Thus we looking toour Spirits, we thall be able tofollow the Lord fully,and finifh our courfc in peace. FINIS.