T O T H E! C RISTIA E ' E '. He corruption ofNature is ,f-fr,,6 exceedinggreat ; it appears fundry wages, in nonemore t then in felviß>ncfe : that f which at firft was made al- together for God is now altogether for hirnfeif. The direafe is Catholike , and fpreads to the endsof the earth. Phil.2 aT. Allfeektheir awn. The j people flocked after Chriff by Sea and Land, herewas great feeming felf-denyall,Chrift they muff fee, Chritt they mull beare , aChrift they mutt have, but this Chrit-feeki,ng was altoge- therfe1f -feeIzng, ; Chriit tels them that it was not hi.- felf, his Dot-trine or Miracles that drew them, it was the loaves,they foundmore vernie in that bread, then in the bread oflife. I t was felvifhnefc that made Labs i Gen.' i.7 change 7acobs wages ten times ,, and be-, A cote