KiIV; 5 Secret-:t izr- ¡iTX1HéÚ foci- Ct i3ñ dcu. comea deceiver. This made Naball churlifh- ly deny reliete to Davtd and his, n their di- 4'rret e. This made Gehezi, rani after Nas- raan , and take talents offilver,and change of garments. Elifhcaes exceliencie appeared in his /4f-deny-ill, and Gehezies bafenef in f elf-feekia%, This humour is in all , and pre- dominant inmott parties. Somegreat pretenders ofholinefle are pol- luted and poyfoned with this venome. You may fee it in the /efuites Iola`imes and pra- c`tile : They fay there is not a mixture in eve- ry Congregation , Their Society is_withoxt ;pot or wrinkle , they have alt living and no deadmcmbers. And a;aine, their Society ex- ceeds all others in this, they have Antidots andSpices, which willpreferve themfrom cor- ruption, fo that there are no danger of their degenerati_n ÿ after fome Centuries ofyears, as other or4ers have dme : Happy men , iftheir fayings and Socie ies were the fame. When they Jeale with' Princes and Potentates , they tell them not oftheir faults, but thole opinions ßsæ liberioremfaciunt confcaentiam. Thus they doe advance themfelves and their caufe, that they may be thought the Non-fuchs of the world th y boaff of their grace,and fay the itienks come short ofthem ; they can dal- ly with the faireft women without clanger. Paul himfelfe was not fo perf&et in that kinde ; as they are. 'Here is felt'feeling with a wit- ' nefle , they throw down an Apofle to lif t up themfelve; ; they care not Who fall , fo they