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.,y. S- To the Reader. may rife;they blaffall others to bcautifie them felves : But God in juí }ice teach made them odious even among Papifts as well as Prate., lR»ts. Greet Pelf-feekers in a Church or State e- ver gain great hatred. If men will pollute Gods worfh t, with their devices , he will make th:ir names to ftink. Nothing makes us more honourable in theeyes of God and man, then the advancingofhis worth p,and prettr- vingg it unmixt. Iftemporal. come in the place of eternal!, and chat which is mans, inftead of that which is Gods, God will make the Au- thours of fuch evill contemptible before all the people, Mai. 2. 8, 9 It is not unknown how divine providence proceeded a ainft the Da- nifh Prelates ; Had they denyed themfelves, maintained the pure Worfhip of God, fought the publi'.ke good of Prince and people , they Might have hood to thisday ; but becaufe they were fhamefully wicked , and fought therm felves too much , they were wholly call out by Prince and people , in the rar t 5 37. Self- chuteua feek.n. is Pelf-undoing bfolom and 44 /o- cbrott.sit. nigh, whilcff they fought themfelves , they loft. their lives. The argument of this Book is felf-denyatl, a hard , yet a fafe lefbn ; it is no other then Chrifl tau.. -ht and prahifed ; If any man will' be my Difciple, let him deny him!elf aidfol_ to g yn', .4ktatth 16. 24. there's the dothrine, fee his pracriife, ?oh. 6. i 5, when they would makehim aKing he withdraws ; the grcatncs and