1 E and glory that- was in royal'. Ìvlajrfly, 9 cou4d nothi!i3g prevaile with his ípirrt ,. He did oat bis oviswill,- Ant the will of bis Father,. It h- ked not him to have his works blown abroad: hiswhote lifeand death werealifalute fe1f-+Ie- nyall, This way would he have all his to goe, and it is a way wherein is nodeath: Hee that dothmolt deny hin-afelf,ie lives snof$ free from finne. Take a true felf - deny ing man , and pa(- fion is a (franger to him ; hee fintses not with anger, becaufe he reioyces in his wrongs; he fwels not with pride, becaufe he is content to beconterrsned ; he frets not at aff?idiQns , be- caufe he deems l3imfelf worthy or all pundit,- mer: ts. Self- desyall breeds g.eat joy , and brings greateaft, It nnburthetis a manofhim- kW, his jiaafulf fell' : What Toy, what Gtfe was it t© n e h tobL ridOf'siis intcing 11sfirede? t; he kt f Phis' coat , and faveci his innoc.encieo 1Ar3d letaChri[lian rid húmfelf'ofhis tinf,.állfelf, and his joyand cafe will exceed ?ofephs ; if he let goe his Fle;0, he il-a.;1l advwnce.his Spirit. Would it not be another Heaven to be rid ofour finfill! ©pi;lioxs,f:nfia1wiPs andafeci icnl? E deny thy felf,and this Heaven is thi:3e. A fell- ''. ïfeekcr utaèly id3akel:ita1(eif 'r3iferable ; 13e is. urY bfolute Tyrint; lis fenf-ltve tu nscfiarity' aut } of'doors , and ea csup all the love that God and nun i.houltl have.; neither othc" s good , nor Gods glory aredare to him he is a clod ofthe earth that Inc1i,s the lapelhis fouleonely tohim- id". lt ¡s the 'elf-denying that is the man 'i for God and pullike good, Such one was' . ltfofs . , To the Reader,.