Ta the Reader. Mofes, HeavenandEarth have beene honour- ed by him;fuch a one will Venture even where danger and drfficultie is, jèlfc (hall not hinder publikegood. A felfe denying, man will band by Gods caasfeand people,whetì others fhrinke for feare and íharne. One Doznglaa a Scotrith Hiítoryof Knight having heard Maiter whifrart preach, Church of fail, I know the Covernour and Cardinali Scots. (hall heare of it,but fay unto them,/will avow lt,andnot onely maintain theDodrine,but al- 'fo theperfon of the teacher, to the settermoft of mypower. Had he minded hiscredit with great ones, his elate or libertie, he would not have appeared for a perfecuted truth and man; fell: denyall had ftript himofprivate refpets..Xnto- ninud `Imes, when he undertooke thé titleof emperour, laid he did then forgoe the proper- tie and interei of a private perfon ; and when we take the name ofChrift upon us,we fhould then forgoe all ¡civil', and domefiick refpetfs. It is the honour ofa Chrillian to be like un- tohis Ma(lerChi-ift;he denied himfelf through- ly, and was ac`fed altogether by the Fatht:r ; let us doe the like , and be abed wholly by Chriff. llivenot, fayes'Paul,but Chrijl lives in me : hisJudgement, will, of e¿lion,life,were transformed into Chrifts:here was no halving, himjelfewas fully layd downe,arid Chrift was all inall, and hegained enough by it; there is no betterway thrn todeny our [tiv, s, aid to doe it fully. It is a fayling, and that a great one in many, they will deny themfelves in form things, in 'many things, but not inall ; if they mortifie