TD the Reader. mortifie mof Ins, yaw fair ane they will (hew Thls i ercie to thy iuí , is crtKlzie to thy telfe. I rc?cr fettwrs thou Gil' with indignation, bubpleadeÌ tor. en t tickles, forne pctcie beloved corruption. Why dottt thoudenie thy feire in p :i t,a,3d. not altogether ? Curvisjam plaur .t rc tif is roam* inparted iigat:u.Lim itations here,will prove thy lamen- tations ; deny thy felte wholly, or not a ail tf there be not through-fclfe- tit.uiall, ere long therewill b . God-de,,»A lM thou loved thy felfe toomuch heretofore, mow cpiu es odaire, nowhate thy? felfe : hat thou lea ied upon thy owne wifedome toomuch, now r depike knowledge God inail thy rayes. The rthcr off thou art from thy felfc, theneerer thou art to Gods Sclfe feeking lets us at the borders ofHell, andfelfepdenyall feu usat thegate of 'Heaven. Reader, wonldf thou have two Heavens, live in Heavenon Earth, and goe co Heaven at death , [ludic this Book of Selfc-de yall. t. Verger Ms, by reading of Luther, was taken off from Poperie; andPighitas, by reading Calvin, was brouglr to be of his mind in point ofluflification.Who knowethbut thou mayett by reading this learned Treatife of Selfe-demyall, be brought offfromall thy feW- love and felfc-feeking. This Author would pull from thee that which would ruine thee. k If thouwilt let the 'Playfick purge out ill hu- nrours, take away ill bloud, to fave thy life, 1,Je noc unwilling thata grave and godly Di- vine