Mofes his Sedfe-denyafl. i (° .: . .. t` c b, . V(':4- ... f .`. i V G ri ..;./ , !;¡/1.0 SF S H.I 5 S4LF gNI PILL. HEE.I1.24. By Faith Mofes , when be was come to yeares, refsfed to beecaIled theferne of PharaohsDaughter, N this Chapter wehave a di- vine record, a famous cata- logue ofthe worthies-ofthe Lord, manifefting the pow- er and life ofthatble1Íedgraceoffaith in the glorious of ets of it; amongft whomMofs is oneof the rnoft choice and eminent, holding forth unto us the glory and efficacie of his faith, in divers wondetfull blefTed fruits of h, both alivcly and paífively, in what hedid, and in what he fuffered ; his wondertull fetfdeniall, hisftrange chili, his fixed eye upon Heaven, his undaunted courage;, his glorious con. B Banc) The fence and mea- ning of the words cleaá red, and Doârincs raifed.