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Mofe his Self-deuiall. fiancy, hisclearfight ofthe inväfible God. Thefirs is his feif-deniall, which the holy Ghoff here records,asa high com- mendation; as a moft famous teffimony of the pretioufneffe of his faith; and in- deed fo it is, faith above all graces fils the heart with thefulnefre of God, but moff empties it ofit felf,raifes theheart the higheff in communion with God, but krepes it down the loweft in felfe- abafement. By faithMofes, when he was come toyeares refuféd to becalled thefinof Pharaohs daughter. [Heref b jed]nota bare willingnes,and contentedneffe tohe without that ho- nour, but,whenhe was put upon it, he denyed it, fo the word is : Yea, horruit, averfatus efi,fayes Chryfofiome upon that place, he trembled. hee was aftonifhed at fuch a thought, that hee fhould em- brace the honours oftheCourt, rather then toown the peopleof God in their m.oflafHiaed, di1trcff d condition : He abhorred, hé detefted the entertaining fuchathought in his heart,and therefore turnedaway from it with difdaine.We never reade that he refused, or denyed in words, that ever hee fäid to Pharaohs daughter