Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofes his Selfe-denyall. daughter,orany other to thiseffea, that hewouldnot be her heire, orbe called her Tonne, but ations have as loved a voyce as words. When Mofis came down from the mount, his face fhined fo glorioufly, as the people were not able to behold it ; here his faith raifeth him higher then the Mount,and puts an unexpreffible luflre and glory upon him. Here is a Worthy of the Lord indeed, bright and glorious in the flai- ring beauty of his faith, let our unto us in the full expreffions o. it by theho- ly Ghoft himfelfe. By faith [Mofes] Mors a man corn- pleaseevery way for his parts admi- rable, the Holy Ghoft witneffes of him, that he woo learned in all the lear- ningof the Egyptians : foPlus 7 2 2 . Phi- lo imehela in vita Mofis fajes, that there werefeat for learned menat exceeding great charge out of Lorraine parts, to in(ruet him in the liberali arts, andOut of Chaldxa, fuck as might inf ru,`ìfi him in Aftrology, befides the rnoft learned of Egypt ; and Eufbius cites another, affirming that Mofes was not onely learned in the learningof theEgypti- B 2 ans Lib.9de prapar. Evans. c. ult.