Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Motel his Self-timid. ans, but that he taught the Egyptians the ufe of letters ; and therefore: was honoured of them by the nameof zier- cnrins. And Clemens 4lexandriuns cites one, laying, that Mofes taught theIfrae- lites letters, and from theyewes hefairs thePhænicians had them, and from the Phanicians theGrecians. For the beauty of his body it was incomparable, when hewas borne hee wets exceedingfaire, fo Rti`s 7.20. The words in the Greekehave a greater em- phafis with them then our Englifh ex- preffionhath 5 fine, elegant, fo as citi- zens are when they are trimmed up in theirbravery, upondayes of fellivity, that is the propriety of the word, and this is Paid tobeeexceeding in the text, it is Tç 04' faire to God,divinelybeau- tiful!, akindeof divinebeautywas up- on him, a beauty beyond humane beauty, fuch beauty as in his very face a divine luftre appeared. The Scrip- ture ufeth this phraft: to lignifie the higheft degreeof a thing, as pnah 3. a very great cinie , it is in the Hebrew mama Dee : fo here exceeding faire, vennnfla .Des. yf phns reports of him, that