Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofes his selfe-deni, ll. that by that time Ire was three yeares old, God added anadmirable grace to his countenance , fo that there was none, but was amazed at the beauty of mops, and would leave their ferious bufineffe, to feed their eyes with Mofes his incomparable beauty., and their cies were held with ir, that they could not tell how to looke enough upon hmi and he faies that theynever wen: from himbut unwillingly. And for the fweer temperanddifpofi. 3. tion of his fpirit, that was exceeding amiable : the Scripture layes that bee was the meekefi man upon earth. Numb. 12. 3. And Io[ephus in his fourthbooke and lift chap.faies, he was fo free from In1e l:.lib.4. pafons,that he knew no fuch thing in ``zp.u1r' hisownfoule ; heonly knew thenames of fuch things,and faw them in others rather then inhimfelfe. And fourthly,for honour in she world, 4. he was very eminent, the adopted fon ofPharaohs daughter ; the name of this rorcrb.1 b, 2. Pharaohs daughter, tofephus tells us, was cap. s. Thermufis: he (ayes likewife Thee was theonely childe Pharaoh had, Pharaoh had no fonne to inherit the kingdome, F 3 and;