Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

6 Mofes hsi Selfe-deaïail, and that this his daughter Thermuthis had no childe, and therefore having found Mofes, Thee fet her heart upon him, and feined her felfe to bee with chi l:.d, andkept Mofes hid, until fuch a time as it might bee thought tobee her ownechild, to that end, that he might inherit herfathers crowne. And further bee tells us, that this daughter of Pharaohwas much beloved of her father,and that,in refped toher, he loved Mofis alfo, which appeares in this relation that he path. He faith that when Mofes was a little one, Pharaohs eiatghttr brought him toher father, and put him into his armes, and he, tograti- fie his daughter, tooke offhis ovinedi- adem, and fet it uponMofeshead. There were likewife divers prognoftications that mofes fhould hereafter doe great things. 9ofphus faith, thatAmram,Mo- fshis father, had a fpeciall revelation concerning this childe, that he fhould bedelivered from the danger of being flame, and that he fhould bea deliverer ofhis people. He tellsus likewife,tbat whenPharaohput his diadem upon his head, he though but a little child,took it