Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofeshis Selfe-deniall. it off, and ftampt it under his feete whereupon fome of his Magicians would have hadhimput to death, fay- ing that it was a figr,e, that this childe in time would caft downe Pharaohs Crowne. And oneGoa/puma latter writer,wri- ting of the life of Mofis, hath this re- lation ; that when Mofés was three yearesold, Pharaoh made a great feaíf, and his Queene holding hire by the right hand., and his daíghter together with Mofes by the left, his Nobles being bid to fit before him, Mofes be- fore them all tooke Pharaohs Crowne from his head, and fee it uponhisown, whereuponall being amazed, one Ba- laam a Magician, put Pharaoh in minde of a dreame hee had had which was this : There floodbefore him anold man, having a paire offGales in his hard, and in one of the (ales there appeared to him .0 ifall cg ypt, ;thechildren and women had been ¡nit, in the, other fcale hee law only one childe, which dorwne- weighed the whole Kingdorn,andall that was in theother. fcale. This is Mofes,wholefaith,whofe feltdeniall isfet downuntous thus glo- B 4 _ rious Gualatin de viti MofiJ. 11.I.2.IO.I I