Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofeshi Stfe-deniall, o rious in thisScripture, one who might have lived a moft brave life in the en. joyrnent of the highefl honours, the fwcetefl pleafures,the choifeft delights that heart could w fh,andyet this Mors r(fxfd tobee called the forme ofPharaohs da ghter,. h rMors ch9ofs rather tofifer afjliTrons with thep:tpte of God, this mofs is cantencd tobe[corned 6 contemnedfor C'h ï1, heeventures upon the wrath of the King, and endures it all. In this excellent argument of the felfe-deniall of fuck a worthy of the Lord, weare to confider : Firflswhat l-v refutes, namely, to bee accounted the Tonne of Pharaohs daughter : for Mofs was generally reputed tobeeher owne fonne, andhonoured asher own fonne, buthe thought it a rateher honour, to be a fonne of 4br4arn, tocome of the promifed feede, to have his pedigree from Gods people, this hee accounts more noble, and this hee will rather glory in, though bee loth prejudice himfelfits great preferrnents,dignities, and riches, and all kinde ofoutward glory that otherwife hee might have cnjoyed