Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Moles his Selfe-denyalt. The children ofNobles have an honourable mentioninScripture, Eccle.zo. Blued art thou o land, when thy King is them of Nobles. The chief, the Nobles in Ifrael, arecalled the renowned in the congre- gation Nuns. 1.16. and Ii S. z3. that which is tranflated honorable men, is in the originali theirglery,and fo by Aria Montanus, .gloriaejra:. TheNobilityare the glory of a kingdome, and rude 8. where fome arc fain ro (peakevil ofdig- nit:es,the word isglories, eg44. Menine- minent places are,or should bertheglo- ry of thofè places, and of the whole countrey where they live. Soul-nobi- lity is thechief, yet I will not fay thw foie nobility ; naturali nobility matt have its duere pee. It was a (perch of Ionadab to dinsnon, 2 Sam. 13.4. Why art thou,being a Kingsfosse,fo leanfrom day J to day ? Asiftobe a Kings fon, were e- Inough toallayany forrow,tomake any condition full ofjoyand content : fee- metb it afmallmaster ( faits David) t Samoa8.1 . to beaKings ron in law but tobe bornofthe Kings of the earth is accountedmore, this is the higheft no- bility5that which is underit,birth from other;