Mofes his Selfe de fall. Ir othergreat men ofthe earth is honou- rablelikewife. This puts great thoughts into, mens hearts, this isan honour in which men doe muchglory, yet this Mofes might have had in the account of the world, but herefufithit ; for God even this is to be denied. It was too high an ex ,preflion, favouringofflattery, that an oratormaking an oration, in the praife of Conflantine thegreat, had,thefirft and greateff gift ofheaven, was to beborne happy,andas loon to bein the lifts of felicity asof nature,meaning thehappì- nes ofa noble birth: but though this bee too much, yet we acknowledge it a- mongft outward priviledges not tobe oneof themeanef},but yet not fogreat, but that there is infinite reafon it thould be denied in thecaúfeofChrir. For firft, though there be fomething in it,yet there is not much, not fo much as any fhould thinke it toogreata thing to laydown for God. For isno fuch thing, but that the greateft enemies of God, hated of him, and caft out for ever from him have had it as well as others ; what a fuccellion n1ihi Deo- rum inamàr talium mu- nas & mumvidetur &maximurm in lucent fia tim fælicem venire. Pa negyr.Conft. R.eaf. L