IS --,....,.,..,. Aojeph, de Lelia ludai- cp1. l.c. 22. Mofes his Selfe-denyail. fucceffion of Princes and Dukes carne from the loynes ofON r there reigned eight Kings in Edens, before there was a King over thechildren of I fael; yea before the government ofMofes and they flourifhed till thedaies of Obadiah no leffe then twelve hundred years, yea they lived tofee theruineofthe fecond Temple, aswe findeit related by refl. phis : whatfoever is common towicked men, Godsenemies, furely it hath no great excellency in it, neither fhould it be inhighefieeme withus. That is ob- fervable that we finde, Deut, 2.12. and v. 22.23. where the Lord would teach Ifrael not toinfult upon their outward conguetis; hegives this r.afon,becaufe they werefachaskee badgiven toothers 6e- fore them, who werewicked. in Seir, aies the text,The Iierims dwelt before rime, and the fonnes of Efts poífeffed them, and defiroyed them from before them, and dwelt an theirflead,asdfrael did un- to the land of his poffeflïon:[ás ¡frael did3 f aelhadnot yet poffeífed,but this is fpokeprophetically, as it was after- wards in thedayesof to fhua; as if God fhould fay This isa favour indeed to- wards