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Deparenti- bus illis ve- nio,qui anté mefeeerunt damnatum, qudm natum. Bern.inMe- dit. cap.z. Rear 3. Tantos qui%que eft, quantus ejt spud Deum. MelchiorA- dam inviti ejus. Mofes hìs Sedfe-deniall. nable before him, an heire of hell. When God would humble the Lewes who gloried much in their birth, hee fhewes them the uncleanneffe, the bait- ;up o f it, in that expre f ion Ezekiel 16. your father is an Amorite, andyour mo- theran Hittite. I comeofthofeparents, fajes Bernard, by whom I was a damned creature before I wasborn : your birth is fuch, what ever it bee in regard of outward greatneffe, as if there be not a second birth, it had been better for you that you had never been born, or rather that you had beenofthe genera- tion of Dragons, or the off=fpring of Vipers. Thirdly, fuppofe it were not defi- led, yet it is an exceeding poore and weane thing in the eyes of God : it may bee fornething before men, but before God it isnothing, for God is no refpeäer ofperfons : fo much a man is worth, as he is worth in Gods efteem when you come to appeare before God, youmutt ftand amongft the ref} without any note of diftin6tion of what houfe you came. That which Pelican aGermanDivinePaidconcern- ing