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Mofes /4$ selfe-deniair. 15 ing his learning, may be faid ofall ho-. nour ofbirth. When I appear before God, fanshe, I thall not appeare as a Donor, but as an ordinary chrlílian : fo you thall not appeare as noble men when youcome before God, but as o- ther ordinarymen. Ipray tell me,faies Chryfofome, what iskindred r it is no- thing but the foundofa word, an em- pty thing, which in the la day you thall know very well. That is obfer- vable which we have, Exod. 3o. /5. whenGod requiresa pricefor the ran fome of the Ionics of his people, all mutt give halfea thekell, the richBall not givemore, and thepoorc thall not give lefíe : when they give an offering to the Lord, tomakean atonement for their fouies, God doth not value the rich more then thepoore,nor thenoble more then the man ofmean birth. Fourthly, it is not much in the e- feeme of men neither, who are wife, and rational!: hence it is obferved by tome, that wee never reade of any in fcrip' ure bit three, who folemriized their birth dayes, and they were Phs- raub icrebcon, and Herod, by which they Diequayö quidgenet efilnihilali- ud certé'e quarnverbi onitus ab ®mni re de- fiitutxs,quod Z?! extremo ill© dieprobe. (cietit.chryf: in I4rtt. t8, Hom. Sg: