Utinam ceelebs vixi f- aut or- bus periipm. 2. Mofes his Self deniall. unmarried, or had died without children. Although gold comes from the earth nonedefpiieth it, and although d ofle and ruff comes from the gold,none re- gards it ; the vertuous coming from m:ane parentage are honorable, and the vitious coming from noble parer!. tage are cçntemptible. This is the firff Arguainenf,Tbat there is not much in nobility of birth , that it fhould be counted too great a thing to be laid down for God. But fecondly , fuppofe there bee force great matter in it, yet God is in- finitely worthy that it fhould be laid down for his honour : ifthere were ten thoufand times more honour in it then indeed there is, yet the denying of all were not a fufficient teflimony ofthat refpet youowe to the great and glorio od5 God. God is worthy that all the r Kings, Princes, Potentates, great ones of the earth, fhould come and bow, and lye downe flat before him,abafed in his pretence, than they fhould all bring their CTownes, andpompe, and dignities, and call them downe at his feet, as Revel. 4, j o, a. the foureand twr6n-