Mofes his StIfeirniaa. a vapour, it is the Lord that hash ned uponus and our fail:IS huufe., anJ bath putmorebeaury, more luflre un_ r n us, then uponother vapours. I may fay ier tl is ref pa, í as Saint P4p1 f ,irh inanothercafe ; whomakes thee todif- fer? was not the lump ofail, mankind in the hand of the Lord as the clay in the handof thepotter, tomake one to' this outward honour, and another to meanneffe and bafenzffc as he .plea feth: bee might have foordered things, as wee might have beene, not one_ ly ofthemofl beggerly, and miferable brood but might have been begotten a toade, ora terpcnt, or any other the vileft creature that liveth upon the earth: that honour we have, Ucdhash put uponus, and therefore it is his, the glory of it is infinitelydue unto him. Fourthly, there is no loch way to addeglory to your nobility, vs to bee willing to Life it or deny it for God. This proceeds from a noble principle indeed, vwhere 'oeVer it is. It is nature that cairns the one kinde of nobility, butt it is the grace of God, a fparkle of the divine nature, a ray of the very lory