114 oêshaSelfe-deniall o l 2 glory of Goi himfelte,ihzning into chr ,that is the caufe of the other. Ter- gratiusei fort;nomen sllta, fa. es of Augulbu, that the naine pietatic qui of piety was more eftecmed of him, poteftatit. then the name of power : ar.d rieron: Tenet. 'Ar- pot. adver writing the praife ofMarceh a noble genres, c. 34. worna., fiyes of her ; that he will not Non prædi_ make mentionof her family, nor the Cabo illuftre honourof her blo.rd, wha: Pro,oníu1s, familiam, ngui- andother great men fir. had to her an- altil vis dcac ,; ceftors ; l-ae (aies hee would praife no- n fte mata thinghut what was her owne,a.nd e ?_ pe- per Procon- fule ( pra- Cially ne commendsher w rhis,that fhe fePordeFur- was fo much the more nr`ble, in as renia: nihil in pila lauda- much, as riches and nobilitybeing con- bo rifi quod terrine: , file was made the more noble propriumefi, inher povertieand humility. l,3 q òdto opibvO no- bilitate contempti,fa5fa eft paupertate Er humilitate nobilror. Epi(t. ad Princapiant virginem. MarcellæEpitaph. Fiftly, Chrift was the glory of his father, the luftreofhisglary, hecha- raG`teran,i engravers formeof hi i.nage, ti he only begotten .Scone of the Fattier from all eternity: he thou4hr it no rE-b- very to beequall with God, hee was G ;:od bleffed forever, and yet howdid he ernptie him felfe hee was made a C 3 i -orn,