23 uid ?n.2gis ïr_i:iignam, quid dete= (tandunam- pliús, quid graviuspu- rfiendum, quant ut vi- dens' Deum parvulum fa- dttra,h3mo fe rnagnificet. Intollerabi- lis impuden- tiaeft, ut u- bi (efe exina- nivit maje- fiat vermi-- eulus infletur intume- jeat.Bern. fer. r. de nativ. 6. Mofes his Selfe-denial, fcorne, hee was called the carpenters fonne,as one that wascontemptible : he made himfelfe of no reputation, hee came in the forme of a fervant, yea of anNvill fervant that was robe beaten : yeahe was made a curfe, as ifbee had beetle the vileft of men : and yet this Was the gloryof Ghrifl himfilfè, be- caufe it was all for God and good of foules : who is he then, that knowes any thingofJ:fusChri(,that think much to lay down all the honour of nobilirie of birth, or anyoutward dig - nirie undLr heaven for him.' I.: is a no- table expreffon that Bernard in a II r- mon upon the birth of Chrift path: what can bee more unworthy what moredraftable r what deferving mire grievous puniflhments, then thata man fhould ma nifie hirnfel afro r-heebath feene God humbled itìsintollerablc itnpudency, that where Majefty hash emptied it lelfe, a wortne fhould bee puffed up and fwell.. Sixrly., it we bee godly, God hath honoured us with a higher birth then what we have by blood from our an- cefûors ; God bath given us a birth from