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Mofes his Selfe-deniall from above, he hail begott'n usof the immortall feed ofhis Word, to be fons and daughters t() him, heirec, and co- heires with Jefus thrift: we arebornof God, and the gloryof this birthfhould darken the other in our eyes : wh».t great matter is it though the glory of the other bee loft, teeing God hash fo highly honoured youwith this iris birth hath great (facie to raife the rlunqu,m heart to high and worthy actions: who- hum ope. foever knower himfelfc tobe the forme ramirabitur. quijuise ofGod, never wonders more at what Lit /loverit fili mDeb dcjicit re de culm%negc- neroftatis, qui admirari 4l quidpoft ¶eumpoteft. Cypr.lib.de fpeCtac. is humane, (ayes Cyprian, hee debafes himfelfe from the height of true gene. roufnef e, who admires at any thing nowbefides Godhimfelfe. This birth you mayglory in, and it muff not bte denyed ; for thole who are thus borne againe, if they {hall be affraid or afha. med to appeare in the wayes of godli- nell`e, to manifeft themfAves what they are, they fail to a degree of felfe. 'denial' (if I may fo call it) beyond this of mars, but it is a turfed felfe- denyag. mores ref ties or denies tobee called the fonne of Pharlohs daughter, they refufe and deny tobee called and C accouri- Nola dege- nerareapræ- cela c)gita- tionibusfili- orumDci