24 Mofes dru Segfe-deniali. accounted the fonnes of the evetlivinb God. CHAP. II. Hon; external' Honour and Nobility is to be denied. /Minior, F C°:ecorunz a culu5 fis,ma- nr. debiliü, pes elaudoria: ip'e aquarn portes, ligna soncidas,fo- cum extruaT, uhi vincula, uhi alapa, u- bifputa, ubi atzQella, ubi patibulurn, phi 'nor!. Ep.a.l Pa- ra.cc,h. . Yafallos Chri¡;í. 7 Herein muff thofe who are higher thenothers in their no bilitie of birth deny themfelves, and tefufe the honour of it ? Firft,bv being willing to beemploy- ed in any, even themeaneft fervice that God calls them to ; we inn[t think no woke of God too meane for us, but willingly fubmit to it, th;augh it darken our honours never fo much in the eies of the world. Thus 4' ¡Iierorn %Tires to Panmachir.s, a godly young noble man, he Would/have him be ties tothe blind, hands to the weak, feet to the lame, yea ifneed were to carry water, and cur wood,&C. 'And what areall cheie(faies he) to bufffetings,to fpittings, to whip pings, and to death. Conflantir`us,, Va. lentinianas, 7hodofrîs, three Ernp, rour!, called themfelvcs the vailals of Jielus ( :hriít,