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Mofes his SO-demiall. 2 5 Chrift,asSocrates reportsofthem.Theo- defiris did manifeft it indeed in the work 'of his humiliation for his finne, in the whole Church, calling himfelf down upon the pavement, weeping, and la,. rnenting for hisfinne in the faceof the whole congregation , which many haughty fpirits, though much inferi- or tohim, would have fcorncd to doe. Meane offices, if in fervice to Princes, Deo areaccounted honourable : the matter regnare eft. of the horfe, the groome of the ftoole, they efteeme thefe offices an honoura- ble additionto their nobility, thechic- left of the nobility of a kingdom think themfeives not du graced bu' honoured by them : than any fervice then, per- formed in obedience to,for the honour of the high and bleffed God, be ac- counteddifhonourable,too low for the higheft onearth ti Secondly, they mutt deny them- 2. felves in being willing to joyne with thole of lower degree in any way of honouring God. Thus S. Pall, Rom. i.16. exhorts to cot:ail-6:nd to men of lowdegree: SailAt Ificrorn, in his for- mer Epiftle to Pamachias , would have