Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

I2 Eadem ratti- one banc vita viam queeri opertcr,qua in alio iter navibtos qua- ritur;ni faali quidcælilu- men ob¡er- vent, incer- tic turfbus vagantur qui[quis refum iter vita temere nititur, nor: terrain debet africere fed calumet ut *tithe's lo- guar, il0í140- ,ntnem debet; !equi, fed Deum. Lattant. 1.6.c.ß. A gracious f irit, on no other rule but that which is di- vine. ; he looks at the Word, not onely at thenotions of it, and that excellency and be uty he fees in ir, fhining a great wayoff; but asalight tohis t(iet,a Lan- terne to his ffeps; holds it clofe to his feet, to guide him in his going; know- ing that every ffep he goes, is either to hell or to heaven; and this doing, he ,may look up with comfort fog- that blefling of God upon his ft- rv:ints, z San. , 9- He keeps- thefeetofhits Saints. His way is like the way ofthe Marri- ner, guidedby theheavens. Thirdly, another fpirit : that is, im- ploycd about o her thins ; it is no for bafe fervices, but let onwork a- bout high and honoúrable employ- ments. As men of place and dignity have, or ought to have, other 'phi s. differing from ordinary fpirits; they cannot endure tobe employed inmean anddíhonourable works; no, thole fit for mean bafefpirits.While other men fpirits are bulledabout low,poor things and are content in theft , minding nothing higher ; they are buried about great affaires ofState, the high things,